
We partnered with Right Bite to develop a Ramadan campaign centered around the theme "Fasting alone should not feel lonely." Our goal was to foster a sense of community and support among the target audience while driving subscriptions for Right Bite's meal plans. By highlighting the benefits of healthy and convenient meal options during the holy month, we aimed to position Right Bite as the ideal solution for individuals seeking both physical and emotional nourishment during Ramadan.




Food and Beverage



Video Production



4 Weeks

The Challenge

The main challenge of the Right Bite Ramadan campaign was balancing the traditional communal nature of Ramadan with the isolation felt by Muslim expats. Crafting a message that resonated with both segments of the audience while driving meal plan subscriptions was a complex task.

The Solution

We developed the concept "Fasting alone should not feel lonely, get closer to the feeling of home" for Ramadan. It resonated with both segments of our target audience. For those feeling isolated, it offered comfort and companionship with familiar and nourishing meals. It also appealed to individuals at family gatherings, emphasizing the convenience of Right Bite's meal plans, allowing them to focus on cherished moments without the stress of meal preparation.

The Result

The Result

The Result

The Right Bite Ramadan campaign was a major success, connecting with the audience emotionally through a balance of heartfelt messaging and humor. It led to a significant increase in meal plan subscriptions, solidifying the brand's position and generating strong positive sentiment and loyalty.

The Right Bite Ramadan campaign was a major success, connecting with the audience emotionally through a balance of heartfelt messaging and humor. It led to a significant increase in meal plan subscriptions, solidifying the brand's position and generating strong positive sentiment and loyalty.

The Right Bite Ramadan campaign was a major success, connecting with the audience emotionally through a balance of heartfelt messaging and humor. It led to a significant increase in meal plan subscriptions, solidifying the brand's position and generating strong positive sentiment and loyalty.

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